Curing Writer's Block

Published on 26 January 2025 at 09:00

Writing is hard. It’s something that only writers know. When you are not a writer writing is as simple as stringing words together in the right order to create a sentence and then doing that repeatedly. A writer knows that the type of words you use matter and that the right choice of words and pacing of those words turns the words into a story that will play out in the reader's mind. So what do writers do if the words don’t come? 


Writer’s block is the one thing all writers will experience at some point in their journey. It is a frustrating phenomenon that can feel impossible to overcome. Fortunately, there are many strategies writers can use to overcome writer’s block. Every writer is different and not all strategies work for every writer but these are the five that have worked best for me. 


Talk to a friend 
The best cure that I have found for writer's block is to talk to a friend. I cannot tell you how many times a conversation with my sister, my husband, or my best friend saved my book from becoming just another buried Word document in my drafts folder. Whoever you choose should be someone you trust. They don’t have to be a writer or even a reader just someone who is willing to listen. A lot of times just talking out loud will allow things to become unstuck. 
Do Something Else 
 They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Staring at a blank screen is not going to cure writer’s block. Get up and do something, preferably something with a low mental effort. For me, this usually means housework; some of my best ideas have come to me while I was doing the dishes, vacuuming the floor, or scooping cat poop. Anything that requires a low mental effort like exercise, coloring, or even taking a shower may help. 
Take a break 
 Sometimes, writer's block is so bad that every day is a struggle. In this case, the best thing to do is stop writing. Writing is work, and as with any work, a vacation is needed to recharge and refocus. Don’t be afraid to put your writing away for several days or even weeks. When you do take it out again, start writing with fresh eyes. 
 This is another suggestion that doesn’t sound like it will work, but the best and most prolific writers are usually readers too. Sometimes a scene or a phrase from a book will trigger something in your brain and jumpstart your writing. Just be careful not to copy another writer.  
Rewrite a Previous Scene 
 Writer’s block can be triggered, not by a lack of ideas, but by a previous idea that isn't working. Rewriting a scene or tweaking it can unblock the flow of creativity.
Next time you have writer’s block, try these strategies and see which works best. Let me know which one you chose in the comments! 

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